How can I get the stats for my campaigns on FindAMasters or FindAPhD?

A comprehensive guide for using the Performance Reporter in your dashboard, to access the statistics for your campaigns on FindAMasters and FindAPhD

The Performance Reporter is our fully integrated campaign reporting tool. It allows you to review all your advertising across FindAMasters and FindAPhD, from a general overview of multiple campaigns, to looking up a specific advert’s performance in granular detail. You will see our website’s traffic for the duration selected, and then your selected campaigns’ total impressions, page views, referrals and email enquiries, all displayed in a simple funnel.


How to access the Performance Reporter

To access the reporter, you will first need to log into your dashboard using your details.

If you would like a reminder of how to log into your FindAMasters or FindAPhD dashboard, please view the relevant article below:

Once in, navigate to the Analytics tab on the left hand site, and select the Statistics dropdown. The Performance Reporter will load up.

The login areas for FindAMasters and FindAPhD are below:

FindAMasters -

FindAPhD -

If you are both a FindAMasters and a FindAPhD user, you will have separate logins for both. If you need a reminder of your login info, please contact us at

How to use the Performance Reporter: an example on FindAMasters

To get started with the Performance Reporter, you will need to select the parameters you would like to return data from. In the following example, let’s say you wanted to just find out how your Programme Listings on FindAMasters had performed in the last 6 months.

Upon loading the Reporter:

  1. Select ‘FindAMasters’ first.
  2. Open the ‘Product Type’ selector, where you then choose ‘Standard Programme’ (named to differentiate from any Featured Programmes you may have running on FindAMasters)
  3. Set your start and end dates for when you would like to pull the statistics from
  4. Your funnel report will now appear.

Of course, at any of these steps listed above, you could easily tweak the selection to any other kind of filter, such as:

  • selecting a department listed under your institution, to limit the results to just that department’s specific listings;
  • limiting the results to just one listing, if you are interested in a single programme’s performance (if you had an on-site banner linking to it, for example);
  • deciding you want an institution-wide look at all your products live on the site, so not selecting any specific products at all.

Using the 'Detailed' tab

Now that you are viewing data in what’s called the ‘funnel’ view, you can also toggle to the ‘Detailed’ tab, which will change the funnel into a line-graph. This lets you view changes in user activity over time, and gives you a breakdown of stats in a table below, which you can export in Excel.

So, let’s say you had those programme listings from earlier in front of you, just swap to the ‘Detailed’ tab and you can find out which programmes were the strongest performers. Another nice feature of the line graph is you can isolate it to specific data events. So, if you were interested in just looking at Page View fluctuations over time, you can temporarily hide the other events (referrals, email enquiries) from appearing.

Please note: to switch other parameters on/off, please hover over the top right of the line graph until you see the 'Optional Metrics' command pop up, where you can then select/deselect what metric you'd like to see.

Exporting your data

You can also export into an Excel sheet all of the adverts in this 'Detailed' tab. Simply hover your mouse over the top right of the results until you see three vertical dots appear with the 'More' option:

One this is clicked, you can export the results in the data as a Spreadsheet.


Please find below some commonly asked questions and important things to note when using the Performance Reporter.

What source is providing this data?

The data in the Performance Reporter comes directly from activity logged in GA4, which is an industry-standard events-tracking data system. We have written a couple of blogs about GA4 in the past, which we would recommend reading if you’d like a refresher on it:

How far back can I look at my campaign data?

The data in the Performance Reporter begins from 1st January 2023. If you need anything further back than this, please get in touch with your Account Manager.

How come I can only see one department in my Analytics section?

The list of available departments you will see in your dashboard depends on your account type for both FindAMasters and FindAPhD.

For FindAMasters, if you have a department-only login, you will only see the department you are currently logged in for within the Analytics section of your dashboard.

For FindAPhD, if you only have an opportunity underneath one department for your account, you will only see that department in your Analytics section upon logging in. However, if you have opportunities listed under multiple departments on FindAPhD, you will have access to all of these in your Analytics section in the dashboard.

What products can I view on the Performance Reporter?

The Reporter covers all of our onsite advertising*. Other specialised campaigns that we deliver off-site (such as our Audience Extension campaigns, or Spotlight Email newsletters) will still need to be requested from your Account Manager. Here is a full list of what products are included in the Performance Reporter


  • Institution and Department Profiles
  • Programme Listings
  • Featured Programmes
  • Open Days
  • Homepage Featured Institution Buttons


  • Institution and Department Profiles
  • Specialist Pages
  • Custom Pages
  • International Pages
  • Research Programme Pages
  • Project Listings
  • Open Days
  • Homepage Featured Institution Buttons

*except Targeted Display, Billboards, and Roadblocking campaigns.

My Internal Referrals seem to be different than they looked previously?

The Internal Referral event (where a user clicks a link on our site, that takes them elsewhere on our site) has seen changes since our shift to GA4 and the launch of our upgraded Profiles. You can read more about it in our GA4 blog post linked above, but in summary: you can expect to see slightly different numbers for Internal Referrals for your Profiles, due to the nature of how GA4 tracks internal links on our Institution and Department Profiles compared to our previous legacy system.

If you have any questions about operating the Reporter, please get in touch with your Account Manager, who will be able to help.