This guide provides a summary of how to use the dashboard to upload projects and what information is required.
To upload a new Project to your listings, you will first need to log in to your account to access the dashboard.
Please view our guide for logging into FindAPhD here.
Upon logging in, click the Add new project button. You must have credits available. If you have access to multiple departments, make sure you have selected the correct department before uploading.
The Add new project page is broken down into sections to input the project details:
Supervisors Information:
All projects must have at least one supervisor. To add a supervisor, select their name from the drop-down menu. If they are not currently listed, you can create a new supervisor.
To add a new supervisor, click Create new supervisor and fill out all the required fields. You will need to input the supervisor’s title, initial, first name, surname, and email address. There is an option to enable/disable whether the supervisor will be able to be contacted through FindAPhD for any of the projects they supervise.
If the project is co-supervised, you can then select additional supervisors. However, the first supervisor entered will be considered the ‘lead’.
Please note: Once the project has been saved, it is not possible to change the lead supervisor.
Project Information:
The following fields are available:
- Project title (Required)
- Your project ID (Optional)
- Research group (Optional)
- Application Deadline (Required)
Please note: The project page will automatically be taken off the FindAPhD site once the application deadline has passed. If no application deadline is needed, there is the option to select ‘accept year round applications’. This will keep the project live on FindAPhD until the page expires.
Funding Information:
This section is for indicating the funding available for the project. One funding status must be chosen from the list. The is also an optional field to include additional details of the funding status. The field has a limit of 100 words and can include links.
Project description:
The section is for the bulk of the project information. Up to 1000 words can be used. 40% of this can be headers, bold and italic text to enhance your project description. Links can also be included in this section.
Tip: Click the Full screen button to make the field larger and easier to edit lengthy descriptions.
The is also an optional field to include references available for this project description.
Subject areas:
Here you can select the subject areas that the project comes under. At least one category must be select and up to 10. Click on each subject area to see the subcategories. You can also select categories by using the subject search bar.
Application enquiries:
Any details listed in your department’s Default Application Settings will be used for your project enquiries by default. If you wish to override these settings for a specific project, you can do so in this section.
If you do not enter an email address, the project will not receive any email enquiries (nor will any related project supervisors).
You must enter either a web link or email address for the project (or both if preferred).
Course logo (Optional):
All project listings automatically display the default logo associated with your account. You can override the default logo by uploading one in this section. Logos that you upload will be available to all users at your institution. Logos must be .jpg or .png files and files must be less than 2mb in size.
Project settings:
To publish a project, you must ticket both of the Terms and Conditions agreements.
Video walkthrough
We also have a full video walkthrough for how to upload a project here.
This video was recorded before our most recent dashboard update, some features/names in your current dashboard may differ to what is shown, but the same commands still exist and apply.