If you no longer want your project to be live on FindAPhD, this quick guide will show you how to hide the project in your dashboard.
To hide a project, you will first need to login to your dashboard.
Once logged in, click the Action icon next to the project and select Hide project. You will be promoted to confirm this action before the project is hidden.
There is currently no option to hide projects in bulk, so projects must be hidden individually.
To show a project that has been hidden, use the same process and select Show project.
Please note: we are unable to delete projects, only ‘hide’ them from the site, as project spaces are valid for 12 months from the date they are uploaded.
If you have a direct link to the project page, you will still be able to view the page in draft format, but the page will not be live on FindAPhD.
Project pages will automatically be taken off FindAPhD once the application deadline has passed. If no application deadline is needed, there is the option to select ‘accept year round applications’. This will keep the project live on FindAPhD until the page expires, unless manually hidden.
Hidden projects are found under the Manually hidden status, while expired projects come under Require attention.